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He then reveals that he did go to New York to see her, only to turn around when he learned she was getting married. Trace is eager to introduce himself but Abby stops him, saying that if there is any chance of them being together again, she has to think about her children first. She admits that she ran off on him but promises that she won’t run off again. She then begs him to allow them to sort this out at her pace. Our Family is a BAFTA award winning formatted observational documentary series that celebrates the everyday magic of family life for 3-7 year olds.
Abby jogs by Trace's place, and they briefly discuss last night and what it might mean. Soon after, Wes arrives to pick up the girls and gets into an argument with Abby. Abby returns to Trace, and they try to talk about each other's lives over the past several years. Trace won't open up about why he returned from Nashville, only saying that the music business isn't what he hoped it would be.
Chesapeake Shores Season 1 Episodes...
As she tries to start the car, Megan walks outside and takes an admiring look at the stunning natural beauty that surrounds her former home. She approaches her former mother-in-law and full of emotion, thanks Nell for being such a special part of the kids lives. Megan also reveals how painful it’s been knowing she’s missed out on her children’s lives.

A peek inside the exploits and privileged private lives of the blended Kardashian-Jenner family, including sisters Kim, Kourtney and Khloé. Chesapeake Shores After Show Podcast recaps, reviews and discusses episodes of Hallmark Channel's Chesapeake Shores. New reporter Giuliana Rancic and her husband, "Apprentice" winner Bill Rancic, lead a whirlwind life. An overview of your most recently watched episodes and most total watched shows. Later at the B&B, Jess tiptoes back into her room, but not before stopping at her mother’s door and contemplating knocking.
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The cab arrives and Kevin says his final goodbyes as Abby tearfully waves him off. Sitting along the shore side, Trace is playing fetch with his dog Axel when Abby arrives, taking a break from her morning run. Abby tells Trace about the impromptu family reunion her dad surprised them with the night before. While unlike Mick, Trace has firsthand knowledge of Mick’s sometimes mysterious ways. After returning from Nashville, Mick out of the blue offered him a job.

Mick reveals to his ex-wife that he’s been thinking a lot about his dad lately. Confronting his own mortality has made Mick realize how quickly time passes. The pipes in the kitchen and bathroom are spraying water everywhere and they desperately need his help to fix the emergency.
Chesapeake Shores S:2 | Freefall E:10 | AfterBuzz TV AfterShow
She stops herself and instead, quietly slips upstairs into her room. When she reaches the top of the stairs, she sees that her mother has made her bed. Frustrated and angry, she tears off the neatly laid covers and throws the pillows around the room. Sitting around a fire toasting marshmallows, all five O’Brien siblings eat, drink and laugh together.

Nell tries to console her by telling Megan that she’s not the only one who missed out on the kids lives. She explains that Mick filled his life with work at the cost of spending time with his children. Back at the O’Brien house, as her family gathers inside, Megan stands at the door, deciding whether to knock or just open the door. As she does, Kevin opens the door and realizes that his mother is hesitant to enter the home she left so many years ago. Kevin heads out the door and tells his mom to go inside to join her family.
Home to Roost, Part One E:2As the party carries on, Abby is surprised to see that Trace has joined in the festivities. Abby is stunned by his comment and stutters as she tells him that that he just made things unclear. Trace asks Abby if she even knows what makes her happy anymore.

Wes returns and hands papers to Abby, saying their current arrangement isn't going to work. Trace catches them arguing and starts toward Wes, but Abby tells him to butt out. AFTERBUZZ TV -- Chesapeake Shores edition, is a weekly "after show" for fans of Hallmark's Chesapeake Shores. In this show, hosts Marisa Serafini, Renee Ariel, and Maddison Hill discuss the episode 2. Later in the day, Jess and her siblings are outside preparing for the grand opening of the B&B. The girls run off to join in the festivities, leaving Mick and Megan alone together.
He then tells them all that he’s got one more surprise for them which he’ll reveal at the family lunch later in the day. The next morning at the B&B, Jess tries her best to sneak out of the house without being heard by her mother. As Connor put it, Jess “drew the short straw” and is hosting her mother while she’s in town. Hoping to avoid any interaction with her mother, Jess tiptoes from her loft and makes her way to the front door.

He gets out of the car and he and Abby immediately begin to argue. Abby suspects his request to cut his child support payments has something to do with Wes’s new relationship. The tension between them quickly rises and Wes decides to leave. He tells Abby that he’ll be back in an hour to pick up the girls. At the O’Brien house, Kevin sits outside waiting for his cab.
As she looks down, explaining her dreams away, Trace grabs her and pull her close to him. He tells her to forget about all that, close her eyes and think about what she really wants. The dose of reality is too much for Abby and she tearfully acknowledges that she doesn’t know what she wants. The revelation is too much for Abby and she walks away from trace, wiping away the tears. Morning turns to afternoon and the O’Brien family is out enjoying a beautiful day in Chesapeake Shores.

He initially is an obstacle but becomes an unexpected ally and a second chance at finding love. Abby's demanding career, divorce and young twin daughters, has kept her busy to even think about the town her father built. Making up for their own lost time, Abby and Trace walk along the shore, talking about Trace’s time in Nashville.
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